British Comedy Guide

'80s cartoons rule Page 7

Popeye & Son????
I never like the way that they can so easily take a classic & update it in such a flippant way.
Give me something like Dogtanion & the 3 Muskahounds any day of the week

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ July 13 2011, 12:51 AM BST

Popeye & Son????
I never like the way that they can so easily take a classic & update it in such a flippant way.
Give me something like Dogtanion & the 3 Muskahounds any day of the week

You don't remember it? It was on in around '88/'89.

I remember it. Didn't he have a weird pet or robot or something?


As a neutral observer (i.e. someone who was really too old to have been watching kids cartoons in either decade) US kids cartoons in the 90s were full of wit and invention and stylish animation; US kids cartoons in the 80s were soulless hamfisted crap intended to sell toys.

Quote: Timbo @ July 13 2011, 8:47 AM BST

As a neutral observer (i.e. someone who was really too old to have been watching kids cartoons in either decade) US kids cartoons in the 90s were full of wit and invention and stylish animation; US kids cartoons in the 80s were soulless hamfisted crap intended to sell toys.


Thanks, and rest in peace.

Amazing work. RIP


Bloody loved Danger Mouse... had the quilt and everything


Crumbs DM. No more Mark Hall.

Thanks for all of the work you did to brighten up the 80s. RIP Mark

I used to be called Penfold at school, so I have mixed feelings on this.

That said Dangermouse ruled, it was like a superior animated Monty Python.

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