Hello Roxy pleased to (sort of) meet you, I have taken a look at your photographs and liked them very much. so much in fact that I have created 9ft prints of this 'Fiona' and have now quit my job in favor of just looking at her... but not I a creepy way. please could you take more pictures of her.
I think you capture peoples character very well in your pictures, you do manage to give a little more than just their face looking somber or some shit like that. the best I think are the ones of Fiona because they do seem a bit more adventurous with good composition and all that art talk. I also like the one with the farrier called 'Farrier'
I studied art for years so I know sometimes what you need is not people to just say your work is good but actually point out what is bad, so with that in mind I had another look and to be honest I really can't find anything.. but then my degree isn't in photography it's in animation so I don't know.. maybe your pictures need more anvils falling on people.