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Big Breverin! (WARNING: Political Agenda) Page 8

Quote: Leevil @ June 20, 2007, 7:11 PM

Damn, someone can't take a joke!

Course he can hes a professioanl writer, its what seperates him from us mere mortals.

Quote: Walker @ June 20, 2007, 5:47 PM

"religion and nationality", yes, because descrimination against such things are no where near as bad as descrimination against race.

Once again twisting what I said. I never said one was worse than the other, I was saying that your examples weren't discrimination on the grounds of skin colour.

The racism suffered by the the African race was not in my lifetime, nor in the lifetime of many. Therefore it isn't my fault. It wasn't long ago that a black female politician DEMANDED an apology by causcasians. Are you telling me it is right? White people today had no control of what happened in history, and it is black people that keeps demanding special treatment because their ancestors where slaves. Is that right? Black people saying other black people are "trying to be white" because they are NOT doing things along the same lines as this.

Again this scares me, because this shows that your original views put across in the sketch were in no way satirical or clever comedy making a political point. You are making sweeping generalisations..."it is black people that keeps demanding special treatment"!! I mean what a stupid thing to say, you are classing people's actions as a race like everyone is the same, why can't you look at people as individuals and look past their skin colour?

And once again, let me reliterate another point since your tiny mind can't take it in. If "nigger" is so offensive, why is it commonly used in black culture in a positive way?

Again shows your lack of history. Some black people reclaimed the word to try to take away the negative connotations of it, they used it as a term of endearment rather than an insult. With that said not all black people use the word and a lot find it offensive said in what ever way by whoever. Still a white person saying it is more offensive and will always be.

Also, "nigger" has exactly the same connotations as "cracker". Nigger = Offensive terms used by white people to describe their salves. Cracker = Offensive term used by black people to describe their owners. Same context, same historical reference, same connotation of the slave trade. Oinky = Pig, scum, dirt, inferiority, inhumanity. Would you call that flattering?

Again wrong. The term "Cracker" wasn't from what you say, where the hell are you learning your history "Wikipedia"?, it's a theory but in no way even close to where it came from. Cracker is usually said to desribe "hillbillys" and "Farmers". I think one of the first uses of the word was in Shakespeare. And "oinky" never heard the word myself, maybe your getting it confused with "honkey", but yeah that does NOT have the same power and impact and horrible connotations as the word 'nigger'. It's just like callimg somebody a scumbag, it could be said by anyone to anyone.

For someone calling me racist, you seem to be in favour of black superiority over humanity, which is what i am trying to promote. Open your eyes twat.

And lastly, I never called you a racist, I mentioned that I found the sketch slightly racist but never called you a "racist". I just find you ignorant, small minded and uneducated when it comes to race. And also why are you trying to promote "black superiority"?

I am glad i have caused offence, because it shows how short-sighted people are. People saying i am wrong are saying "It is alright for black people to be racist. Every other race has to respect everyone as a human, but black people do not have to consider white people as humans. There is no form of racism that a white person can suffer, and black people can do it as much as they want because of their ancestor's history." Say No to racism and Yes to humanity is what i am saying, and a lot of you call me a racist. Quite the opposite. Probably about time you looked at yourselves.

You really are dumb, "I am glad i have caused offence" just sums it up right there. No one is saying "black people are allowed to be racist", but you seem to classing individual people as just a "race". Black people shouldn't be racist just as much as any other race shouldn't be racist, but the fact is other races have and do suffer racism far worse than that of the white race.

Quote: Walker @ June 20, 2007, 7:16 PM

Never cross a black cat... i could follow that up with a joke about getting mugged but i won't, because most muggers are chavs these days.

Oh yeah "nowadays" as opposed to back when all muggers use to be black! Bloody hell you are stupid.

Maybe we need a simple test for potential moderators.
Something like:
"What does moderate mean?"

Quote: ajp29 @ June 20, 2007, 7:16 PM

Course he can hes a professioanl writer, its what seperates him from us mere mortals.

And the ability to write.

Can't be arsed to reply to everything, so i'll sum everything up in one paragraph.

I have just noticed i did leave out "some" in a few of my statements, so sorry about that. Also, sorry if you didn't call me a racist, because i am getting confused by the ammount of people throwing the word around. However, the term "cracker" does originate from the slave trade, it is in many of the hymes that were sang during the period of the slave trade to describe the ones cracking the whip, so i know i am right about that. I am not classing any individual by race,t he entire point about this was to say it is wrong but it is mainly some members of the black race that bring up the slave trade and demand better treatment, apologies amungst the right tob e racist. i'll quote something i saw on a documentry: "Black people have the right to be racist. We where the white's slaves for so long we have a good few years to make up ... If you don't excersise this right, you are just trying to be white." It's not about histority, it's about society. Black people have suffered worse racism, i know that, but now they don't because it is punishable by law. It is now racism directed towards white people that makes it into the media and entertainment industry as well as generally in society. So stop calling me stupid, i know what i am saying is correct, and if you think otherwise you are either racist in your own right or have misunderstood me. Case closed.

The last quote you made though has made this a full circle. You have just done what i have done in the sketch. Taking a perfectly innocent statement and finding racism in it. Funny that isn't it?

EDIT: I know how unpopular i am here. It started with when i had an argument with one of your more experienced members (in which the fault was his) and naturally, people went to his side instead of the new guy. Now it has built up to this. You all just wanted something to shout at me for. Others have simply misunderstood the purpose of the sketch and my opinion in writing it, once again, not my fault. This is typical forum dynamic. Xenophobia if you will, fear of the outsider, or atleast those of the outsiders that are outspoken.

Quote: JohnnyD @ June 20, 2007, 7:52 PM

And the ability to write.

He hasn't shown us he can write, for all we know hes the head writer of Blunder.

Walker u are not unpopular with me, I completely seperate a person's work from the person themselves so all critcism is aimed at the written piece not the writer. I'm sorry anyone got personal but when dealing with subjects like race, religion etc in comedy you will always come across opposition and demands to explain your work. Its good practice.

Quote: Walker @ June 20, 2007, 7:56 PM

EDIT: I know how unpopular i am here. It started with when i had an argument with one of your more experienced members (in which the fault was his) and naturally, people went to his side instead of the new guy. Now it has built up to this. You all just wanted something to shout at me for. Others have simply misunderstood the purpose of the sketch and my opinion in writing it, once again, not my fault. This is typical forum dynamic. Xenophobia if you will, fear of the outsider, or atleast those of the outsiders that are outspoken.

I like you Walker.

Yeah, you're all right Walker.

Woo-hoo! It's not locked! I thought it would be by now!

I have never called Walker racist either. But Mr W, I did find your sketch racist when I first read it, and as a result I asked what motivated it. Unfortunately I have only seen in your responses confirmation that it was motivated a perception that "they" have different rules to "us", which I think is pretty damn racist.

And irrespective of what anyone else thinks about Alan Alexander's comments on other threads, I think the vitriol heaped on him here is pretty poor. If someone thinks that others are being racist or otherwise offensive, then I for one think they should be free (indeed, encouraged) to say so in the strongest possible terms. You might disagree, but if you really want people to be dissuaded from challenging what they see as prejudice then your society is one I don't want to be part of.

I'm guessing here that there aren't vast numbers of black forum members to get involved are there? I mean, we are in the main hideously white aren't we?

I tried to defend AA freedom of speech only to be hurtled with abuse, so for that, f**k him!

I think I'll close this thread while I catch up on the last EIGHT pages. Forgive me for sleeping on my watch again.

I've had a read through. Everyone is perfectly free to express an OPINION but calling people c**ts etc is way out of line.

Please Note: I include myself firmly in the following, I am as culpable as the worst.

Racism is wrong. Walker agrees with that point at every stage of this argument and no one seems to acknowledge this. Wherever it exists, racism is a condition that is universal to the human being. Where there is difference, we will exploit it.

We (as a species) are expert at hiding our faults from ourselves. For example the cold iron chains of slavery have now been replaced by the equally restrictive chains of economic debt. But we're quite happy to live our encapsulated lives while young Zimbabwean children are orphaned by AIDS and have to work all hours to keep us in luxury.

I notice that we are quick to complain about past slavery and are slow to condemn the economic slavery we impose on the under-developed nations through tariffs and huge loan repayment. If we put as much effort into PRESENT inequality (which we can change) rather than PAST inequality (which we can't) then the world would be much better for all of us.

Do you buy fair trade? Or do you go for the exploitative cheaper options?
Do you turn the sound down when the Red Cross appeals? All these choices discriminate but we choose to target the easy options (a script Walker threw together), rather than make a REAL difference to REAL people.

If as a society we can allow injustice to any other human, we are all culpable. It's easy to salve a social conscience by decrying others. If we aren't working to right the REAL PRESENT DAY wrongs of this world, that kill young children, that orphan others, then we have no right to take moral high ground.

Well that was all a barrel of laughs, wasn't it?

Regarding Walker's original sketch, no it wasn't very funny (perhaps ironically I suppose), and yes, it was a bit out of place on a forum for the critiquing of comedy. Nevertheless, it was a very interesting and well-written piece of social commentary, and made a perfectly legitimate point. But how anyone can think that it in itself was racist is beyond me.

Everyone really needs to calm down a little. Certain members seem to be delighting, once again, in stirring things up and provoking others. And Jesus Christ, I never thought I'd say this, but Charley is the almost-sole voice of reason here.

In any case, the OED defines racism as "the theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race". If any single one of you seriously believes that, at any point, this was implied by Walker (or indeed anyone else, save Adam, albeit jokingly (I think... ;))), then I can only assume that you're reading your own meanings into what's been written in order to satisfy your own personal agenda.

I'll probably think of something more later, but in closing for now, you all need to go and watch the following YouTube clip.

Feel free to PM me with your objections whilst this thread is closed. :)

Now share the love.


Awwwww Fankoo Aaron. I do have a sole voice, you should hear me do Aretha Franklin. :D

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