Recently, the Mumsnet message board has been fawned over by politicians. I decided to investigate the website and discovered that it is a steaming pile of shit.
Here's why:
1) It's full of hypocrites
If you were to post a thread on Mumsnet saying, "I think my husband is spying on my emails, what should I do?" - I guarantee that you will get multiple responses saying "Ring Women's Aid ASAP".
However, if you were to post a thread saying "I think my husband is having an affair, what should I do?" - you would inevitably get multiple responses explaining how to track his movements and hack into his email account.
Additionally, Mumsnet members routinely advise women on the site who confess to infidelity, not to tell their husbands about their actions.
2) It's full of feminazis
Mumsnet is patrolled by a large and growing cadre of feminazi harridans. These are not feminists of the "Slutwalk" variety, but rather those of the militantly anti-male and anti-sex variety.
Worse still, the Mumsnet administrators recently created a brand new, highly visible "feminism" sub-section of the site - replacing the old, discreetly tucked away "women's rights" singular forum.
3) Many of it's members want to restrict access to internet porn
Pornography is the highest form of art. Recently, lots of Mumsnet members voiced support for the government's porn-block proposals. Need I say anymore?
4) Mumsnet members have created children
Children are irritating, overrated little shits. Almost every member of Mumsnet has brought at least one child into this world.