Tuesday 31st May 2011 1:40pm [Edited]
563 posts
"In sarcasm, ridicule or mockery is used harshly, often crudely and contemptuously, for destructive purposes. It may be used in an indirect manner, and have the form of irony, as in "What a fine musician you turned out to be!" or it may be used in the form of a direct statement, "You couldn't play one piece correctly if you had two assistants." The distinctive quality of sarcasm is present in the spoken word and manifested chiefly by vocal inflection ..."
From "Absolutely Fabulous"
Mother: What is my email again?
Edina: old-woman at risk-of-being-strangled-by-own-daughter-dot-com I should imagine.
Mother: I'd forget my head if it wasn't screwed on.
Edina: Yeah, well that can be remedied.
Mother: Talking to yourself again dear? They say its the first sign of madness, you know.
Edina: Really, I thought it was talking to you.
Mother: Its a bit like the war again, isn't it.
Edina: A bit like the war? Only except without the drab fashions and bombings and food rationing - yeah - its a bit like the war, but without the war.
and finally...
Edina: inside of me, sweetie, inside of me, there's a thin person just waiting to get out!
Mother: Just the one,dear?