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Lead Balloon - Series 4 Page 9

Looking at the preview for tonight's episode, it looks like it's going to be half an hour of the cafe owner acting smug without getting any comeuppance. To add to the usual fare of Marty acting smug without getting any comeuppance.

To add to the usual fare of Rick's wife laughing at him, his kid and her boyfriend ignoring him, and his moody Russian cleaner trying to outdo him. Without getting any comeuppance.

Quote: Andicus @ June 19 2011, 5:05 AM BST

You've got your logic backwards... "Only the truth is funny" would imply that if something is funny, it must be the truth. It doesn't imply that if something is true, it must be funny.

Andicus, while your interpretation is valid, my concern is that the statement can be read in another way, since Keats said 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty'.

Quote: Nogget @ June 21 2011, 12:56 PM BST

Andicus, while your interpretation is valid, my concern is that the statement can be read in another way, since Keats said 'Beauty is truth, truth beauty'.

Keats did write some excellent sitcoms.

Quote: jhmagic1 @ June 1 2011, 12:52 PM BST

Have they changed the way it's shot? It looked different on screen than previous series.

It looks like they have taken the blue tint off that was on the previous series.

It's still ridiculously formula-bound, but I enjoyed tonight's episode more than the last couple.

I said I wasn't going to watch it again but I did. The first ten minutes was easily the best of the series but it went downhill after that I'm afraid. This time I really won't watch next week.

Rick!!! .. how could you leave us hanging by a thread for another week???

Anyway, another good episode in my opinion, although last week's offering is still my favourite to date!!

So ... what will "The Colt" do to Rick next week? ... will Rick dare tell a joke in such a situation?? ... maybe give the Gypsy joke another run!! lolololol

All the best,
Cal :)

Quote: SivoxII @ June 22 2011, 9:10 AM BST

So ... what will "The Colt" do to Rick next week? ... will Rick dare tell a joke in such a situation?? ...

Join us next week for the amazing adventures of Rick Spleen...

I will he'll have to tell some sort of joke in the circumstance.

Quote: SivoxII @ June 22 2011, 9:10 AM BST

Anyway, another good episode in my opinion, although last week's offering is still my favourite to date!!

Can you honestly say you laughed once in either of the two last episodes? In what way do you consider them good?

They are well made, but joke free. Dee is grumpy AND unlikable - an unmarketable combination. The funeral episode (Shoddy) contained a communion scene where Rick hilariously choked on a wafer. The writers couldn't be bothered to achieve basic verisimilitude here: when a priest hands you a wafer he says; "The Body of Christ" to which you say; "Amen". Rick not knowing that would be a given. The writers not knowing is just... shoddy.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ June 22 2011, 4:57 PM BST

Dee is grumpy AND unlikable - an unmarketable combination.

Being unlikeable *shouldn't* be a hindrance to a successful sitcom.

Alf Garnett and Basil Fawlty aren't particularly stellar examples of humanity either. But they *are* funny, and so is Rick Spleen imo.

It helps that everyone else is nice - Mel, Marty and Magda especially.

... In all due respect, I think some people have completely missed the point of Lead Bal^l^oon.

In the same way as Ricky Gervais is not far removed from his own character, it could be argued that Jack Dee shares that comparison. BUT!! ... just like The Office, I feel that this really works. You are basically seeing life and its struggles amplified through "Rick Spleen's" eyes.

Every character is VERY different and VERY deliberate, but it's not all about singing and dancing. I guess in some households, this approach goes down like a ... well, you know the last two words. lolol

All the best,
Cal :)

Just watched ep 4. Very enjoyable, as usual, with several laugh-out-loud moments.

Maybe Sam and Ben haven't moved on one iota since the first series but their scenes with Rick are always a joy.

Nice little interview with Robbie Coltrane about next week:

Quote: Dene Kernohan @ June 22 2011, 7:26 PM BST

Maybe Sam and Ben haven't moved on one iota since the first series...

.. I think they have, as they are thicker than ever!!! Laughing out loud

Example: Ben fixing upside down picture on TV .. and what was he doing with the carton, mixing milk and cornflakes??? Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

All the best,
Cal :)

I don't mind Jack Dee but I find this to be empty, boring and predictable.

Sam has changed! She has different hair.

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