British Comedy Guide

Is it time? Page 7

Quote: Badge @ May 25 2011, 10:11 PM BST


I <3 Badge

Laughing out loud

Bloody clique!


Quote: sootyj @ May 25 2011, 9:45 PM BST

Jeez Chappers at your age isn't the next transition rising from the grave?

It has been known you know.

I am one of these noobies so here's the view from 'the other side':

I've been on a handful of forums over the years and ended up bored of them or hideously offended by some berk. I was on one forum for nearly 10 years(!) until I finally had enough. Members came and went and the same threads cropped up all the time. It's part of forum life. :(

It is easy for long-term members to blame the newcomers for 'declining standards'- I did it on the other forum. I always looked on newcomers with suspicion!

But, it is a public forum. If you think the standards are dropping, then do something about it! Post better threads yourself!


I was worried you'd left after a promising start to your BCG career, TB. Good to see you back.

Thank you, Benjamin.

My absence can be explained as me having some 'business' to attend to.

Quote: TopBanana @ May 27 2011, 8:48 PM BST

Thank you, Benjamin.

My absence can be explained as me having some 'business' to attend to.

Business or Bidness?

I had sex in the North.

Quote: TopBanana @ May 27 2011, 8:51 PM BST

I had sex in the North.

Does that mean in the mouth?

Quote: TopBanana @ May 27 2011, 8:51 PM BST

I had sex in the North.

Good work. Now go have a shower you stink of wippets and flat caps.

Quote: Ben @ May 27 2011, 8:52 PM BST

Does that mean in the mouth?

Laughing out loud

Quote: Ben @ May 27 2011, 8:52 PM BST

Does that mean in the mouth?

Laughing out loud

It was really nothing. Just an old flame who moved up there a while back.

Feels good, man.

Quote: TopBanana @ May 27 2011, 8:59 PM BST

It was really nothing. Just an old flame who moved up there a while back.

Feels good, man.

Hot or Let her go because only a 3?

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