Sunday 29th May 2011 12:34pm
563 posts
The characters Lilley himslef plays are...
Daniel and Nathan Sims - To teenage boys who live in a small rural
town with very little to do and indulge
in occasioanl delinquency. Nathan is deaf
and the plot revolves around Daniel's attempt
to throw him a star-studden party before he
is shipped off to a special school in the
Ruth (Gran) Sims: Gran is Daniel and Nathan's tough as nails paternal
Grandmother and a politically incorrect but popular
warder at a prison for boys.
S.Mouse: S.Mouse is an African-American rapper who has had several
hit rap songs aimed at the tween/teen market. He is ridiculed
in the industry for his manufactured, pop sound as has
reinvented his history to hide his upper class roots and, in
defiance of his record label - releases two profanity
laden songs. One leads to a house arrest, the other to
his dumping from his record label.
Blake Oakfield: An immature former surfing hero who now teaches
surfing, but is often a poor role model, due to
alcohol fuelled bad behaviour with his 'gang' in
their small, coastal community and violent rivalry
with a fellow gang, which has resulted in him
suffering a severe injury.
Jen Okazaki: Jen is a manipulative and pushy Japanese mother and
business woman who constructs a business empire, partly
based on lies, around her skateboarding son.
It is certainly Lilley's most epic project yet (he has twelve episodes to fill) and the one where the storylines of the different characters are most interwoven. It will be interesting to see where it goes!