Interesting reading Al - thanks for letting me know about it. Its clear that you know some of these characters very well and the Lonnie and Emlyn characters are particularly well developed, as is their relationships with Miss Wenna, who makes a short appearance but the interraction tells us a lot about her and her relationships with the others very quickly.
Some of the other characters could be fleshed out a bit more. Sure, they have different 'jobs' in the situation, but we could know a little more about SOME of them. I have also introduced some new characters into mine and the feedback I got was that they were a bit interchangeable and not defined enough yet.
Probably, as you already realise, things could move a bit more quickly.
Also, try to creat more natural rhythms for the dialogue at times
Instead of
That's not, it is, it's you! Lonnie my ald mucker, what're doin' in that bloody suit? You're not here on holiday are ya?
Hiya, now neither of us expected this did we?
I know I thought I'd seen the last of ya. The missus will be made up, she loves a familiar face, so you working are ya?
I am I am, I retired as you know but then Franco, well, let's just say he got caught with his kecks down.
How about...
That's not, it is, it's you! Lonnie my ald mucker!
What're doin' in that bloody suit? I thought I'd seen the last of ya. You're not here on holiday are ya?
I retired, as you know but then Franco got caught with his kecks down.
having characters cut each other off and overlap helps to create a natural rhythm.
Hope that helps.
P.S: Please give me said feedback on "Suburban Bohemia ep1 Part 1" and the little scene from ep two that if put up, if you've got a moment.