British Comedy Guide

The Apprentice - Series 7 Page 3

Quote: lofthouse @ May 10 2011, 10:25 PM BST

does that Sugar pillock ever actually do any f**kin work?

he seems to spend his entire life making this wanky excuse for a TV show

jog on

And it hard to fathom what his 'business empire' actually does as he certainly hasn't made any of his low end cloned computers for over 20 years.

Last night he also described himself as an 'electronics expert' so perhaps he sits in his bedroom with a soldering iron all day as well impersonating a 'top entrepeneur'

I have heard that he thought that the iPod was doomed to fail and in his autobiography he said they cocked up with a Blackberry prototype by simply being too far ahead of the Market to make it viable.

Episode 2 on now, in case anyone's forgotten.

Sorry but is Alan Sugar coming onto me?

All that posing and winking, he's f**king trying it on the dirty old get.

Just say no.

Speak up Bussell!

Suzi is so annoying.

"Because of the massive age gap Edna does look down on me." Laughing out loud

Quote: sootyj @ May 11 2011, 9:11 PM BST

Speak up Bussell!

Suzi is so annoying.

When he made the app-le joke it was like he actually was Bussell.

Both rubbish ideas.

Yeh Bussell is such a disapointment he's got no killer instinct

His pitch reminded me a little of my wedding speech. Wish I'd had a Jim to go to. :(

They should sell Jim in a can

Quote: sootyj @ May 11 2011, 9:29 PM BST

They should sell Jim in a can

I would buy some.*

*not in a gay way, you understand.

The women's App is terrible. Just shows what a load of bollocks these things are.

Mind you, the men's is shit as well.

Edna's getting sacked.

oOoh er missus!

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