British Comedy Guide

BBC Drama academy Page 17

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ May 1 2011, 3:07 AM BST

Now that's good Drama!

To be honest, if I really want to get it on HBO I should probably pad it out with 9 Seasons x 13 Episodes of inconsequential shit between the lines "I'm off again!" and "I'm back again!".

On a more serious point about old members being blamed for "scaring off", "not welcoming", or even "bullying" new members (because I sense that's where this thread will be going soon), this is the only place on the internet I ever regularly post. When I was a newbie back in 2007, I bided my time and got to find my feet before wading in with my (still) unreasonable and half-baked opinions. The point is, I felt it was my place as a new member to try and fit in with the BCG, not expect the whole forum to adapt to suit my needs/temperament (though of course it would be a far better place if it did). Sure, new members will hopefully one day become older members and will help to shape the board in a collective image, but if new members aren't willing to initially show any patience with the status quo then it's not really the fault of those of us who've been coming here for a long time and - importantly - abided by the rules of the place.

This is in no way a point aimed specifically at Sophie (whom I sincerely hope might find that she feels like posting on the BCG again), but there's been numerous occasions where older members have been accused by some of bullying new arrivals. To be fair, these accusations have often been made by our regular cast of trolls posting under their various usernames, but a general mood has become apparent about the treatment of new members; a mood that has tended to try to put the majority of blame on long-term posters.

Personally I think that we try to make new members feel welcome and don't subject any of them to personal attacks (certainly not of the YouTube comments variety). Mostly they are welcomed and engaged with, their posts responded to in a cheerful and respectful manner. For some, this place obviously doesn't suit their style, nor their needs. Well, it is what it is and no place will be right for everyone. How can we be expected to constantly adapt to suit the requirements of each and every new member who posts? Truth is, we can't. The debate on the BCG is often robust, often cynical, often sarcastic, pretty much always strongly-opinionated - but I really don't see any evidence of gang activity here. (The most vociferous and personal jibes that occur are pretty much always between long-established members, who are familiar with each other and just about know how far they can push people they've exchanged digital abuse with for a number of years.)

So there's the odd heated debate and the occasional spat, but the forums are also very often witty, wise, good-natured, very human and full of empathy and good honest fun. We have friendly and effective moderators and a reasonable set of board rules. If you like the forums and you put the time in - maybe biting your tongue a few times along the way - you might learn that the vast majority of members on here are not inhuman internet wankers, but people just like yourself - human internet wankers. :)

EDIT: Oh, and I see I have just passed 15,000 posts. Do I get to go home now? *crosses fingers & toes*

Quote: Tim Walker @ May 1 2011, 3:01 AM BST

*searches the BCG terms of use for an "anti-grooming" rule...*

In regards to whom?

Quote: Tim Walker @ May 1 2011, 3:01 AM BST

You see, this is the reason I have left-the-BCG-for-good over 100 times now! And shall probably be leaving again for good now. Goodbye all... :(


Quote: Tim Walker @ May 1 2011, 3:01 AM BST

Hello again! :)


Quote: Sophie Petzal @ April 30 2011, 11:05 PM BST

I'm not Welsh no. To me that is high quality. But then again who are we to dictate to one another about 'good/bad' really? It's all irrevocably subjective. No one is right or wrong.

Yes they are and if not us to debate over what makes good drama. Then who. I am fairly certain that if asked that question in interview Sophie you would probably have a stab at an answer.

And SHERLOCk looked good but was it well written? No it was a bit garbage really. The first ep wasn't bad but there was a whole lot of stodge in the middle of it.

I see there was a whole lot more 'debate' I missed. Ah well. Sunny day today :)

I remember spending some time in Sherlock 2 shouting 'move the sodding chair'.

I think a lot of drama at the moment in the UK is using originality of premise and character and dialogue to disguise a lack of interesting plotting. The stories in Life on Mars were largely terrible, and the fun of the premise covered this up. But equally, we shouldn't be allowing a distaste for genre material to cover the stuff that does work - Being Human's lovely and the genre stuff is window dressing.

Quote: Antrax @ May 1 2011, 11:13 AM BST

I remember spending some time in Sherlock 2 shouting 'move the sodding chair'.

I think a lot of drama at the moment in the UK is using originality of premise and character and dialogue to disguise a lack of interesting plotting. The stories in Life on Mars were largely terrible, and the fun of the premise covered this up. But equally, we shouldn't be allowing a distaste for genre material to cover the stuff that does work - Being Human's lovely and the genre stuff is window dressing.

I enjoyed both recent series of Being Human and Misfits, but I think they were both pretty hit and miss dramatically. A mixture of the great and the naff.

And the sad fact is, British drama just doesn't excite me anymore. And when Candy Cabs is going out at peak time, something's going wrong somewhere.

Can anyone remember what the big finale was in the swimming pool at the end of Ep 3 of Sherlock?

Quote: Marc P @ May 1 2011, 10:41 AM BST

And SHERLOCk looked good but was it well written? No it was a bit garbage really.


In your opinion, others liked it.

Quote: Marc P @ May 1 2011, 11:50 AM BST

Can anyone remember what the big finale was in the swimming pool at the end of Ep 3 of Sherlock?

Moriarty was revealed, and he had decided, after toying with them during the series, to step out of the shadows and kill our duo. Though obviously they will have escaped.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 1 2011, 12:29 PM BST


In your opinion, others liked it.

Moriarty was revealed, and he had decided, after toying with them during the series, to step out of the shadows and kill our duo. Though obviously they will have escaped.

So the ending was as bad as I remembered it. The man was too busy with WHO and it showed old bean! I enjoyed the show kinda and will watch again, but storywise and writing wise it cannot be held up as great. But as you say, in my opinion. But it is a very considered opinion by me. :)

Quote: Marc P @ May 1 2011, 12:33 PM BST

So the ending was as bad as I remembered it. The man was too busy with WHO and it showed old bean! I enjoyed the show kinda and will watch again, but storywise and writing wise it cannot be held up as great. But as you say, in my opinion. But it is a very considered opinion by me. :)

What was bad about it? Most who liked the show seemed to think it was an exciting cliffhanger ending. As for being too busy with Who, Moffat didn't write that episode, Gatiss did! Gatiss was also Co-Showrunner.

He was still busy. But it wasn't really a cliffhanger was it? It just stopped. I can't remember exactly what happened, but it did seem to follow the WHO idea of throwing out all kind of mysterious things that will be revealed and resolved - and then weren't. I call that cheating, sir! Cheating.

I haven't seen yesterdays WHO yet, I am sure things are back on track there. :)

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 1 2011, 12:29 PM BST


In your opinion, others liked it.

Others like watching badgers f**k.

I wouldn't call that good writing.

Well, it was a cliffhanger to the extent that a bomb went off and we're left wondering how they all escaped. Obvously with this kind of thing it can only be a cliffhanger to a certain extent as we know that they're not actually going to die.

Quote: Marc P @ May 1 2011, 12:44 PM BST

I haven't seen yesterdays WHO yet, I am sure things are back on track there. :)

They never went off track! :D ;)

Quote: sootyj @ May 1 2011, 12:45 PM BST

Others like watching badgers f**k.

I wouldn't call that good writing.

You're right, that's a good analogy.

I refer you to the episode with the fat creatures! Adipose or whatever!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ May 1 2011, 12:47 PM BST

You're right, that's a good analogy.

If you break that word down into it's latin construction.

Quote: Marc P @ May 1 2011, 12:47 PM BST

I refer you to the episode with the fat creatures! Adipose or whatever!

Yeah, that was poor. Funny in bits but poor; Moffat has at least raised the bar for opening eps.

Quote: Marc P @ May 1 2011, 12:44 PM BST

I haven't seen yesterdays WHO yet, I am sure things are back on track there. :)

Whistling nnocently

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