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Sitcom Trials Manchester 2011 - scripts invited Page 6

Quote: Kev F @ June 9 2011, 8:16 PM BST

We have an amazing seven entries in so far. Yes, that's right, seven!

Still a week or so left though. Expect a flurry of late entries. I'd be surprised if the final tally was less than fifty.

Quote: Frantically @ June 9 2011, 11:21 PM BST

Are you not in charge then Kev?

This particular Sitcom Trials, in Manchester, is being done independently by the team of writers, actors and comedians who perform at the Lass O'Gowrie and its annual LassFest, and is being done with my blessing.

It's not dissimilar from when Declan Hill & Simon Wright began running the Sitcom Trials in South London in 2007. They asked if they could run under the Sitcom Trials name and format, they invited me to compere when I was available, and they did all the rest. Their 2009 London Trials at the Leicester Square Theatre were a similar arrangement, with me being entirely hands-off, only turning up for one heat and the final. Then they rebranded as the Sitcom Mission, and the rest is.. well not history, more like the present.

So I'm not in charge of the day to day running of The Sitcom Trials in Manchester, but I am taking charge of this current bout of script selection. The shortlisted scripts (which, at the current rate of entry will include every script entered) will be read by the Manchester team who will choose the best to perform.

Kev F

Cool - cheers Kev.

Well, that's my submission in so you're up to 8 :-)

I always seem to have trouble with Yahoo Groups. Not that I've gone there much. I visited a writers' group once.

Every time I try to log into one, it always takes me to the verify your account login page where it knows who I am but wants me to verify myself anyway by retyping my password.
Tragically, this gets stuck in a permanent loop, forever reverting back to the verify your account login page.

This doesn't happen with any other website.

And yes, I have a Yahoo ID. (My broadband is BT)
Yes, I've tried clearing out cookies.
No, the password wasn't typed in incorrectly.

Suffice to say, my plan of taking a peek at proceedings was unsuccessful.

My script is basically finished now but I was just wondering about any extra information ie character descriptions or even a one line synopses.

I know that none of these should ever be necessary because the script should speak for itself but I'm also aware that making it as accessible to people as I can is also important for votes and such.

Welcome to the Sitcom Trials everyone. The one-off Manchester Sitcom Trials will be taking place at the Lass O'Gowrie on July 2nd and you have less than a week left to get your script entries in. Upload them to the SitsVac files at:

You will find The Brief there, that tells you the very simple guidelines you need to follow for your script entry (it's short, it has very few characters in, it has a cliffhanger, it has to be funny).

Tickets for the event itself only cost £3 and are already available online at: Here's the Lass Fest website

There is more detailed chat about the event and between writers on the British Comedy Guide Forum at:

And you can see lots of videos from previous Sitcom Trials, including the TV series and the most recent season at the Leicester Square Theatre at or on YouTube at

More details on Wikipedia at: and you can follow us on Twitter & Facebook

We look forward to receiving your entries and to see you at the show. As for the future of The Sitcom Trials, which is approaching its 12th anniversary, stay tuned for news.

Kev F Sutherland
Creator and Executive Producer
The Sitcom Trials

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ June 11 2011, 8:03 PM BST

Suffice to say, my plan of taking a peek at proceedings was unsuccessful.

Sorry Mikey, Yahoogroups can indeed be a pain. They're a very basic and old fashioned pain, and they have a Files section but, you're right, there are more modern methods we could use, but this was already set up so I've fallen back on it for this round. I can't explain your probs, except maybe that you had to wait for me to approve membership, for which I apologise to anyone who's kept hanging on.

Keep em coming, still very few entries in yet. Can't promise you a 5 grand prize, but by the sound of it you'll get a bigger audience than last week's Sitcom Mission. Semi colon bracket.

Kev F

Hi Kev,
I think it's a cookie problem on my part. I can't even log in, let along join. Probably some kind of weird setting in Firefox. I'll tinker with it.

Hi Mikey, I wonder if you have to have an email Yahoo ID. This is what it says on wikiperia

It is not necessary to register with Yahoo! in order to participate in Yahoo Groups. The basic mailing list functionality is available to any e-mail address, but a Yahoo! ID is required to access some other features.

I know it says it's available to any email but then says ID's required for some features...i.e... stcom trials etc. maybe the broadband ID you have isn't included in what they want

I think I've sorted it. I've added the yahoo cookie to my "allowed sites."

Still prompts me to re-enter my password sometimes, but not every time now.

Right. As you were. :)

Thats me submitted. Lucky number 9.

This is cool - we can watch the entry-count go up writer by writer instead of '...we're up to 1200!'

Not a dig at Sitcommission by the way. Can only hope the Sitcom Trials is half as star-studded.

Come on folks - any more for any more?

Give me a chance! I'm doing it now!

Would have been alright if someone hadn't have told me I'm just missing a plot...


That is so unfair! I told you you were missing half of act two.

And I'm still embarassed about using such screenwriterly terminology ;-)

Yeah, I didn't really understand it. Had to look it up in Story...



'Story' scares me. It's too thick and has diagrams!

Anyway, what do I know? Apart from a few Newsjack one-liners I'm striking out all over the place.


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