Samuel Lees
Tuesday 21st June 2011 4:52pm
north norfolk
37 posts
Quote: Philip Hepple @ June 21 2011, 5:33 PM BST
On a personal note I would like to throw this out there, in comparison to other enteries, my entry, 'Theatre of Dreams', is quite long in thenpage count department (20ish pages) but most of that comes from descriptions of action that on stage will only take 20 seconds but could last a few paragraphs.
A couple of my mates acted it out for me and it worked out more or less the time required.
Just thought I'd say that.
Apologies if I sound like a douchebag.
I don't mind people that politely defend their scripts. lol. I know it must suck when you're script is judged on something as impersonal as a page count but the point of writing a script is to make it as easy as possible for the reader to read it.
Also after reading so many back to back I've found that character descriptions really put me off. I just want to start reading the script I don't want to read about characters I have no connection with yet. If the character is grumpy, stupid, forgetful or rude then it should be in the script and nowhere else.
I have found that sometimes the character description in no way matches the character I'm reading about which makes it uncomfortable to read. (Not talking about you're script).
Quote: bushbaby @ June 21 2011, 5:41 PM BST
I noticed too that most are in TV format and not stage 
Good job I'm not in charge, innit?
I'd call the whole thing off
The formats are interesting. I find it harder to read the scripts in word. I still read them but I think if you enter a script writing competition then script writing software is essential and not to mention free.