British Comedy Guide

Untitled Sitcom

This is an episode from my sitcom that at the moment has no name, which is weird for me as a name normally comes to me rather quickly. Anyway, I've posted in the Celtx Project Central thing. It's only rough and certainly needs some fine tuning, but what the hell. Feel free to have a read (if i get the link right) and let me know what you think or keep it all to yourself if you please.

There were some gems in this - I liked the ventriloquist flashback, and the 'Jesus, change the record' line {though I thought he should have obliged with a 'yes my child'} However, it's not long (or diverse) enough to be a sitcom episode as is. If condensed it has the makings of a good opening scene though.

I've added a scene to the end that I didn't realise was missing.

Another episode:

Stylo - thanks for being the only person to comment on my work. I'm starting to regret giving people the 'keep your opinions to yourself' option.

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