British Comedy Guide

You've got a time machine and some johnnies... Page 4

Now the thread is less sinister, I'd totally do Jesus.

A virgin who lived with his mum till he was in 30s and hung around with hairy blokes?


Nat is a geek f**ker.

It has to be Felicity Kendall during The Good Life Years or Elizabeth Taylor just before the Burton years or Audrey Hepburn a la Breakfast at Tiffaney's. Or all of 'em :)

Quote: sootyj @ March 21 2011, 1:27 PM GMT

A virgin who lived with his mum till he was in 30s and hung around with hairy blokes?


Nat is a geek f**ker.

Just to say I did. Nothing wrong with a bit'o geek.

As a carpenter he could always get....wood!

As the Messiah you could rely on....his second coming!

Oh and he maybe dishy but his dads....divine!

I thangu, I'm here all week.

Whistling nnocently pope John Paul 2nd , cos he is a virgin, and it is forbidden.

Quote: sootyj @ March 21 2011, 11:56 AM GMT

Oh I dunno Catherine the Great had better watch out...

Was she the one shagged to death by her horse?

a cruel myth that outlived the life of ine of the worlds truly great leaders

that said I'd make her 'hoarse' hyuck hiyuck!

If I had a time machine I'd go back and sort out Dan Dare - the bastard.

(Dan Dare was a British comic book hero who was hailed as 'The World's Number One Space Hero,' and 'Pilot of the Future!')

Well, he was a hero of mine and I remember reading a comic that showed a cut-away picture of his space rocket. It showed where everything was, the flight deck, the main engine, the radio room; etc. Anyhow, at the front of the rocket there was a special section that was left blank, with a note that read: 'Top Secret. Not to be revealed until 2010 

Well, I've waited all these years to find out what was hidden in the front of Dan's rocket, But nothing's happened. Years of wondering - when the world was facing so many great events - I was focussed on the day when all would be revealed in the front Dan's rocket.

I'm not bitter, but If I'd been able to time travel, all those years ago, I'd have jetted to 2010 and found out it was all a ruse. Then, I'd have flown back and exposed Dan Dare for the fraud he was and saved legions of his fans all the torment of un-rewarded expectancy.

The Tw*t!

you are aware this thread is about travelling back in time t have sex with famous people

I mean Dan is square jawed and handsome and all that'''

Fully aware of that - me handsome.

Quote: Badge @ March 20 2011, 8:47 PM GMT

I think a "who would you most like to rape" thread is perhaps a new low for the BCG.

This made me laugh

Whenever I see Susanna Hoffs on Vintage TV I get a stirring in my loins.

The Eternal Flame video, ftw.

:D Like a 'well hung' banana?

Very well hung.

Either that or the rest of my body is out of proportion.....

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