British Comedy Guide

I Should Say So: The Story of Robb Wilton Page 2

Quote: Aaron @ March 26 2011, 2:34 PM BST

Nice little docu. But as enjoyable as the clips were, I would have liked to have heard a bit more factually about Robb and his life and work - felt like the 'documentary' side of things was rather skated over.

Interesting nonetheless.

:) Thanks Aaron. I wanted it to be more about the clips but I take your point. There isn't awful lot of information out there on him if I'm honest.

Mark Radcliffe covered Robb Wilton in series two of 'How Tickled Am I?' if anyone is interested, it's one of those shows that tends to hang around BBC7 a fair bit.

Yes I did listen to Robb Wilton's edition of How Tickled Am I, a while back now. It's well worth listening to as there are not many programmes on Robb Wilton, unfortunately.

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