my 8 things to do before i die are
1. Perform stand-up at all the big comedy festivals
2. go into B & Q's toilet section, take a shit and walk out.
3. go to a gay club and graffiti on the wall "you drop the soap, you die"
4. Discover the cure for chavism
5. go into a public toilet stand at the urinals next to a big burly, facking ard bloke and say "don't worry i don't think anyone has noticed mine is bigger, ow apart from your wife" then of course run
6. run onto a golf course live on t.v and shout "wait i have just realised something really important, there is actually f**k all point to this sport".
7. finish this list.
What is yours.
NOTE: you don't have to do 8 you can just do 5, don't worry you won't be frowned upon. honestly.