Can people tell me what they think of this please. Its for a competition for Radio Five Live. Basically the sketch is and adaptation of a stand up routine. So I would like to know if it works or not. Its a little short, it runs to about two minutes(max is three minutes) and is very one sided but the core material is there.
Details of the competition are at
You like the Royal family don't you Dave
Well I respect your opinion. Its important to respect people's opinions isn't it?
Yes, i think so
Well I think the Royal family are useless annoying idiots and i'm glad you respect that.
What about their charity work and they pay taxes now.
Ah yes thats where the illegal immigrants are going wrong, if only they paid taxes and did some charity work then they would be respected memebers of the community.
What about the tourism, they bring alot of tourists to London
Yeah but they're mostly Americans. World War 2 was good for tourism but I don't anybody trying to start World War 3 to boost cemetary visits.
Except George Bush. One thing I will say is that its bad that a Catholic can't become King or Queen because it discriminates.
I know but a Catholic would not have time to be a member of the Royal family. Just think about the confessions they would have to make.
(talking a s himself)
Bless me Father for I have sinned. Last Friday I dressed up as a Nazi, on Wednesday I insulted orientals, yesterday I told my mistress I wanted to be a tampon in her virgina and today I organised a conspiracy to kill another member of the Royal Family in a car crash in Paris.
(talking as the priest)
That’s 10,00 Hail Marys and 20,000 Our Fathers.
(talikng as himself)
Oh no, not again.
You think too much John, one thing I will say is that I don't think the monarch should be head of the church because shes associated with the arguments for things like women priests and gay marriage.
I'm surprised that the Church aren't more open to gay marraige considering the head of the Church of England is a Queen.
Anyway, the Royal family do commit themselves to alot of good causes like organic food
How can Prince Charles bang on about things like genetically modified foods. His whole family is genectically modified therefore under his reasoning should be contained and not permitted to breed with any other memebers of the species.
Maybe thats why he married a horse