I've been following this guy's career for a while - a truly talented bastard, musical genius and bloody funny too. The following music is done ENTIRELY with his mouth.
Quote: Lee Henman @ March 7 2011, 10:37 PM GMTI've been following this guy for a while
That's how Barry Bulsara started.
Quote: Will Cam @ March 7 2011, 10:54 PM GMTThat's how Barry Bulsara started.
Heh. By the way for anyone interested (and you should be) Beardyman's entire hour-long Edinburgh show is here to watch for free. http://www.youtube.com/user/beardyman#p/c/029046020DFD077D/0/qciVXUHTN10
It's completely brilliant, trust me. Just wish there wasn't so many sweary bits so I could let my son watch - Beardyman's a hero of his.