Tuesday 22nd February 2011 9:52am
2,302 posts
There are some good ideas on there but the layout doesn't really invite exploring the rest of the site.
I don't know if it's due to the browser but the categories thing is way down the bottom instead of being a sidebar, which means I have to scroll through everything else to even see it and it's sort of plonked on the edge of a blank white screen when I get there.
I actually quite like the category names but when you click on one I think perhaps you should have a hadline story in full with others to click on - at least while your content is limited.
For instance, to read the story about the guy wanting his staircase gritted (which I enjoyed) I had to scroll all the way down the main screen, choose a category and then click again to read the story, even though it was the only one in that category. If you want to grab readers, you need to put good content in front of them as easily as possible. I think the same goes for your front page - if your conceits is that it's a newspaper then you actually need a story on the front page, not just a lot of links to the stories.
Another thing - it's mostly just plain text on a white background, which just looks a bit boring to be honest. If you're sticking with the 'it's a newspaper' thing, perhaps you should at least try to find a background that looks like paper.