British Comedy Guide

Beer and Curry


BAZ, KEV and TERRY (thirties) are approaching the end of a main course after a heavy night out. BAZ looks worse for wear and is toying with the food on his plate, but KEV and TERRY are still tucking in wholeheartedly. BAZ has barely sipped from his pint of beer while KEV and TERRY are racing to finish theirs.

Come on Baz lad, neck it you great wuss!

BAZ picks up his beer and manages another pathetic sip. KEV and TERRY look to each other and join in:

Beer wuss! Beer wuss!

KEV and TERRY down their remaining beer in unison and let out self-safisfied belches. The WAITER approaches.

Would you like another?

KEV and TERRY look to BAZ. BAZ lets out a feeble groan.

Yes please.

KEV nods agreement. The WAITER departs. KEV and TERRY eye BAZ with pity. Pause. Two BOUNCERS appear. They lift a startled BAZ out of his seat and chuck him out of the restaurant. The WAITER returns with MICK, another guy in his thirties, and helps him into BAZ's seat. MICK downs BAZ's beer in one, and belches triupmhantly at the end.

More beer fellas?

KEV and TERRY roar with approval and they all clink their glasses. The WAITER walks off with a smile.


Lol, pretty good.

LOL. I loved the bouncers lifting a startled Baz out of his seat.
I like the word (startled) it has impact.

I'm not sure, perhaps it's me, is the joke that Baz wasn't enough of a lad so he was removed and replaced, or have I missed something else? Sorry, I'm probably being thick.

So, the Indian restaurant positively insist on late-night lager louts rather than it being the bane of their lives. Right?
A neat enough twist. But, if that's the angle, maybe have BAZ demonstrate a couple of other non-loutish behaviours before being ejected.
He could be disinclined (rather than unable) to eat and drink. The curry too hot, he wants a white wine, ..
BAZ could try to summon the waiter for more drinks with "Excuse me, waiter", but the waiter ignores him. However, KEV shouting "Oi, Salman Rushdie" immediately gets the waiter's attention.
But maybe I'm writing a completely different sketch. Ho hum!

Cheers all. JohnnyD - I think that yours is a different sketch, but a good one! Mine was a pretty simple quickie really. Probably quicker on screen than on the page. It's not so much about lads (Tom) but about peer pressure and doing what your mates want.
Anyway, I haven't written/posted anything for a while, and perhaps it shows :$

I think I'm a Baz - cos I've been with mates to an Indian. I hate curry. It comes out the same way it goes in.

I'd much rather have a Chinese.

Ah no Badge, you've just made me see it from a different angle. It works for me now cheers.

Badge you have the classic combo there beer and curry.

I couldn't review the sketch as my mental capacity was taken up with the beer and curry.

Only joking, liked the sketch and I think a quickie is a quickie inasmuch as you made the point you wanted to make.

Johnny D's take was good too but as he suggests and you agree, it's probably a different sketch that has a nod in the direction of the Goodness Gracious Me classic - Going for an English

Quote: Blenkinsop @ June 3, 2007, 8:34 PM

Goodness Gracious Me classic - Going for an English

Great sketch, that. And I wasn't looking for that vibe. Or quality.

Hi Badge

I like this one a lot. Nice twist that I didn't see coming and a good line to turn around.

I think you're right in that it would be quicker on screen that on the page.

Well done.


Thank you Dan and all.

Now off to attempt sleep with beer and curry aftermath potential. Stuff.

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