British Comedy Guide

WLTM (Cartoon) Page 2

Quote: Trollheart @ February 2 2011, 12:37 AM GMT

You Tube perhaps?

Would people be interested in a static cartoon YouTube? Probably not this one! :)

Quote: Georgetastic @ February 2 2011, 3:13 PM GMT

I liked the first one.
Although I misread it as inedible and thought it was weird the first time (the rain makes her look like she's got some of his blue on her chin which further confused me) but that's all just me being an idiot the gag was great!

Glad you liked it, cos it's better than if you didn't like it.

The third one in the series...


Loved it. 2 things though, what's OHC, and should the lady figure have some boobies and/or a skirt?

OHC - Own house and car. I don't want it to be gratuitous! You will just have to imagine what a line drawing's breasts would look like...

(Thanks, Angie!)

This is good stuff and could run and run, all I'd say is try maybe doing the sketches freehand in pen and on good paper and check out a book called "should you be laughing at this?" its a big collection of one-page stick figure gags, very funny and potentially bad taste but the simplicity adds a strange poignancy to the plight of the character. If that makes sense.

I think what sets this apart though is that a lot of the humour is actually based on Ink, smudges etc, think its what the kids call "post irony".

Anyway, good luck fella

I've got that book next to me right now!

ha, its class isnt it? Like I edited to say though, your humour is based on actual real-world implications of being drawn in felt, I thinkthat's a unique angle.

[quote name="Jack Daniels" post="779406" date="June 25 2011, 8:55 PM BSTyour humour is based on actual real-world implications of being drawn in felt, I thinkthat's a unique angle.[/quote]

Quote: Jack Daniels @ June 25 2011, 8:55 PM BST

ha, its class isnt it? Like I edited to say though, your humour is based on actual real-world implications of being drawn in felt, I thinkthat's a unique angle.

I would have to say I prefer the Modern Toss books, SYBLAT? seemed to be slightly repetitive with the same 'shocking' themes.

(Thanks to you both!)

I think these have great potential Corey. Keep at em!

Lol!! Liking them I think "I brought a brick" is ingenius!

First tow aren't very funny, third one is just stupid. Looking for someone invisible, hearing a voice - is your protagonist a retard?

Excellent stuff. Very clever.

Thanks for all of your valued opinions! ;)

I like the stick people idea, 1 and 2 were best,especially the 'indelible' line. With 3, he was invisible but we saw him speak, yet she didn't hear him...or was the voice inaudible too? I wasn't sure how that worked.

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