Sootyj, I thought the prostitute joke was excellent (I had never heard it before). The rest was a bit weak though and a bit disjointed. But, I watched a comedian on TV the other night (can't remember his name). He went down a storm but if I had transcribed his set I would have been saying it was weak and disjointed. Does that make any sense?
I have a gig.... Page 2
Yes it does thanks Will
honestly I'm not an especially good stnadup
but I'm conciously dumbing down as I find when I do smart arsey stuff it really fails.
Believe it or not this act contains pretty much all the standup stuff I've ever got a laugh with (I'm better writing for others)
The prostitute section was very good. As per Will, I'd never heard the gag before. All the best if you do go ahead with it.
Thanks I'll have a go.
As a fall back you could always tell the audience about a website you stumbled across where everyone thinks they are a comedian (reading out a few unfounded claims or larks would fill a few minutes and probably get you a chuckle or one)
Bit confusing that sootyj.
Ancient prostitute gag blended with Finsbury Park type flatmate.
Not ripping because it's hard to be creative - just appears to lack an identifiable focal point. And it read like it was stuck between time zones.
Having said that - a brave attempt, and courageous in putting it up for scrutiny and criticism.
Thanks mate.
Food for thought - just needs a little work.