Well, it's been a while but it's nice to once again be back at the BSG.
Salutation to all.
Well, it's been a while but it's nice to once again be back at the BSG.
Salutation to all.
What's the BSG?
Welcome back
British Sunshine Guide
The premier guide to Steve Sunshine for all those who love Steve Sunshine and his idiosyncratic writings.
I'm Sooty_Sunshine on there.
It's quite fun but some thinks it's a little niche (it has about 250,000 members and 8,900,000 posts to date).
Thanks guys. Good to see some of the same names and as for you, Sooty, firstly, congratulations on your civil partnership with Steve Sunshine and secondly, I thought you would have been elected El Presidente of the BSG by now. But with regard to my typo, well, I'm still having the same old problems with my spoil checker.
Welcome back!
Welcome back still in the hut in Bonmo?
And I wouldn't describe my partnership with Mr Sunshine as at all civil
God damn you, Baumski, you broke my heart!
That's not fair - nobody puts Baumski into a corner!
Bloomin' hell. Published author back on boards shocker!
Welcome back
Hello my lovely.
Still waiting for my invitation to 'The Hut.'
Hello Charley - still looking foxy I see. And what about you Ms Ellie with the provocative neck caressing pose. Then there's Zooo looking so inviting even without the Dr below her name and finally Dan who's still looking as anaemic as he was the last time I saw his avatar.
Guys, it's good to be home and Loopy the door to my hut is always open to you where, perhaps, we might muse together.