Blotchy or flakey skin? Acne ridden?
Why not get rid of it all with our new exfoliator.
Epiderm-Away launches a unique three-pronged attack on skin problems.
Step 1- Bleach: We add a hint of domestos into our formula to bleach away those unsightly blotches.
Step 2- Moisturiser: Vegetable oil extracts, all sourced from local chippers are used to moisturise and add essential oilyness to your skin.
Step 3- Dehydration: Our unique blend of sand meticulously chosen from the driest deserts in the world will dry out the skin and clear up the acne caused by our previous ingredient.
The good news however is that the second ingredient can again be used to moisturise the skin. Then the sand will combat this oilyness until the bleach eventually burns your skin off proper and you will never experience any skin problems again.
All our products have been tested on animals with disastrous results. May also be used as a form of torture. Terms and conditions apply.