Quote: Ben @ January 22 2011, 7:49 PM GMTAre you on Twitter, Tim? If so, you get my vote.
Aw, bless you, Ben. I was on Twitter for a good few months (username Dr_Tim_Walker). As you can imagine, my tweets started off being both brilliantly witty and hilarious; then went through a period of being dangerously side-splitting and sublimely entertaining; before the inevitable decline where I started to struggle and my tweets were only intermittently touched by genius.
Basically, after a few months of inspired wonderfulness, I grew tired of the constant demands of being tremendous in 140 characters-or-less. Effectively I had proved myself to be the funniest person on Twitter and therefore had no further need for it.
I therefore returned to the bosom of the BCG, where I can ramble on as much as like and experience absolutely no pressure to be accurate, intelligent, funny or entertaining. I find that a great comfort. Though, on occassion, I do feel the odd pang of guilt and sorrow when I think of my Twitter followers (for example, Graham Bandage) out there somewhere in the internet, desperately waiting for my next exceptional Tweet, rather like a bunch of heroin addicts in the grip of a prolonged and painful detox.