British Comedy Guide

Count Dracula 2 - HIV Positive Page 4

Quote: David Bussell @ January 25 2011, 11:05 AM GMT

I think he's referring to the recent Twilight books/movies and forgetting the hundred years or so of vampire lore that preceeded it.

;) Yes David , How did you guess I'm 16 and waiting for a nightime visit?..

It's also an inaccurate comment/observation, as he/she says "Dracula only appeals..." NOT "vampires only appeal" (which would still be wrong, but more accurate). Why do the current generation think Stephanie bloody Myers invented vampires??

Anyhoo, on another (and more important) point, I think the suggestion for the flashback is a good one, and does lighten the sketch somewhat. Have a feeling we'll still be discussing this come summer... :)

Quote: Trollheart @ January 26 2011, 6:26 PM GMT

Why do the current generation think Stephanie bloody Myers invented vampires??

When all she's done is piss all over them. :(

Haha very good I like your suggestion, or maybe Dracula in that cape thing but then nothing apart from a g string... Pretty funny image in my head ;)

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