British Comedy Guide

Belated introduction

Hello All,

I have been visiting this site for a few years now but I have never introduced myself. For some reason it seems appropriate to do this now.

I work in education but I am a frustrated writer. Each year I try to set a bit of an adventure for myself. Last year's ambition was to get paid for something I had written. I managed this and, by god, I enjoyed spending that £17!!!

However, like most New Year resolutions I had forgotten all about my plan by the middle of February. This year I am going to give it another go and try to stay with it a bit longer.

Part of the key to this will be visiting the message boards. I find the contributions to the writers discussions and critique sections incredibly inspiring and the forums have always been a safe place to get feedback on ideas etc.

Well, I guess that's pretty much it.


Hey there James!

Hallo :)

Hey, welcome.

:D HELLO, only been involved for 2 months, very informative, tough cookies here! Be warned, but enjoy.

Hiya. :)

Hi James

Belated greetings James. Wave

Welcome James :)

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