From the British Broadcasting Corporation, Mr Timothy Dawson writes for the benefit of the uninformed, his thoughts on that complex subject which is situation comedy...
'Sitcoms are a uniquely theatrical television experience, and I want Coming of Age to celebrate that.'
'...sitcom acting isn't easy - it takes skill to stop a performance getting too big for the camera and to know when to pause for laughs...'
'Bawdy jokes and visual comedy demand a big reaction, and if you sanitise that you can end up with something a bit flat and unconvincing.'
'If I'm sat in the gallery and we go without a laugh for more than about fifteen seconds, I know that sequence needs to be cut down. Unless it's deliberate of course - when there's a moment of genuine drama it can be fun to play with the form and leave things hanging...'
Oh well, here's the obligatory link to the guide...
Never fear, fans, they're all back, all your favourite characters - Slutter, BJ, Titch, Peepee, Jizzy, Merrytits, Louis Farrakhan - they're all there, don't worry.