Thursday 3rd March 2011 10:26pm [Edited]
7,542 posts
Quote: Humberfloob @ March 3 2011, 7:07 PM GMT
I have a question following on from Stephen's - if you have material on one week do they 'look out for you' in subsequent weeks and perhaps give you preferential treatment over people who haven't previously been successful?
Katie Tyrell said in the last web chat something along the lines of 'a buzz of excitement comes in when a writer with previous sends something in and, yes, it gets read immediately.' (I may be paraphrasing but the link to the chat is still in this thread somewhere) [EDIT: Link doesn't work anymore as it's ready for tomorrow's chat. Wonder if it's available anywhere else. Might be worth cutting and pasting it for future reference tomorrow if they're going to disappear]
Along those lines, when some of us were lucky enough to attend the pre-S2 workshops we were told that we had not just been invited because we'd had stuff on, but because we were consistently sending good submissions in, despite the lack of feedback. They just can't feedback on so much in such a short space of time.
That said, that did not stop me having a big 'never writing anything ever again!' strop earlier when I didn't get anything on. But I have got man-flu and am feeling sorry for myself.
Quote: Badge @ March 3 2011, 7:09 PM GMT
A question for the webchat maybe? Though I think it was implied in the last one, if not explicitly said, that they like to see material coming in from people who've written something really good before. But you won't get anything sub-standard on just because you had previous success.
Badge is right re: the substandard stuff. Problem is after some successes and some failures, you genuinely don't know if what you thought was good was, in fact, utter bollocks.
Quote: Jinky @ March 3 2011, 9:06 PM GMT
i.e. you get a credit but nothing in the show sounds like it was written by you.
Happened to me once.
This has happened *twice* to me! And once was a sketch! 