G is for Gangereen G string.
"Longest Ever Thread" Page 9
H is for Hairy Humping Hamsters
I is for Idiot (so we can move on)
J is for jam-like jism
K is for Kind Koncealed Kiddy-fiddler
L is for Leeaaatthhheeerr!!!!!!!!!!!
M is for Minge Meat.
N is for necrophiliac nigger
Oh is for Oh F**k!
P is for Plucking Pubies
Q is for quaint quivering queer
R is for Rrrrrrrrrrr Kelly. our pAedophile pirate
S is for Scots sexing sheep ('cos apparently they originally did it, not the Welsh).
'T' is for 'Twatty Twattity Twat'
I know, I know... it's very similar to 'F**ky F**kity F**k' but I'm currently starved of inspiration!
T could also be for tight throbbing twitching twat.