Monday 27th May 2013 8:11am [Edited]
9,046 posts
This was on Gold last night and, as I'd missed it first time round, I gave it a go.
I thought it was great.
True, it was a highly romanticised account and I'm sure played fast and loose with the facts.
But it seemed an entirely appropriate way to celebrate this beloved pair - as opposed to the usual "tears behind the smile" hatchet-job we've become used to.
Loved the way they retro-fitted catchphrases and 'routines' into their early history - pure bunkum I'm sure but very satisfying nonetheless.
Yes, Victoria Wood was a bit "I'll go to the foot of our stairs" and, as earlier posters have said, she bigged up her role.
But I saw this as a dramatic story-telling device, rather than vanity.
Daniel Rigby, though, was a revelation as Ernie - brilliant I thought.
But now he plays that dick in the BT ad....WTF?