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Quote: Simon Stratton @ August 11 2008, 6:26 PM BST

Woohoo! So you exceeded the entry criteria for an English Degree then? ;)

Lol! That's just what I think I'll get.

I just watched the other sped-up singning videos. They're TERRIBLE. :D


I never had to do 4 A-levels in my day...

They're only my AS, so I can do only 3 A levels proper.

I don't think they're in need of a link, no. :|

Ah. Wierd thing is, when I look at taking people on, I never look at their A-levels on the CVs and only very rarely at their degree.

God, how grown-up do I sound?

I've worked so hard for yeaaaars, and now I'm really hoping it's all going to have been worth it, and not just get skimmed over in interviews!

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ August 11 2008, 6:40 PM BST

I've worked so hard for yeaaaars, and now I'm really hoping it's all going to have been worth it, and not just get skimmed over in interviews!

You surely have learned something, too, haven't you? One will probably notice that you have without having to look at the raw figures.

It just depends on what job you decide do flooze. Degree and A-levels are mildly important in getting into graduate training schemes (not massively though, some of the best workers on the fast-track had 'poor' results), but are hugely important if you decide you want to stay in acedemia and become a professor or a teacher. The type of degree you do is pretty much irrelevent now. You can even do become a lawyer with any degree if you do the LPC after.

Quote: Finck @ August 11 2008, 6:43 PM BST

You surely have learned something, too, haven't you? One will probably notice that you have without having to look at the raw figures.

Yeah, this is more important than any marking system! :)

Quote: Finck @ August 11 2008, 6:43 PM BST

You surely have learned something, too, haven't you? One will probably notice that you have without having to look at the raw figures.

I've learnt lots of rubbish I'll never use again, and human relations that don't apply outside of the classroom!

Nah - learning is never rubbish - languages, literature, maths is all invaluable when you get to working, travelling etc.

*are* all invaluable. I only did GCSE English.

I love English! So worried that I'll have ruined that, too.

Ha ha. It's crazy how much pressure is put on grades at the moment. You know it's just because the Government uses them to rate schools and compare the country to others yep? In real life - as I said before - they don't matter. I had to go through three interviews/intelligence tests to end up at IBM after Uni. They weren't bothered about the outcome of my grades.

It's just ridiculous! My teachers have far too much faith in my imho!

Well the rating of the school and them does depend on you and you alone ;)

Only kidding - My brother's a teacher, so he's hoping his students get good grades this Thursday - obviously he hopes they do well for themselves - but also there's a little bit of hoping he looks good too. And keeps his job/gets a pay rise for next year.

The whole education system is bollocks. Years spent learning the answers to tests, not actually learning.

Quote: Aaron @ August 11 2008, 7:06 PM BST

The whole education system is bollocks. Years spent learning the answers to tests, not actually learning.

Yes! Exactly! Exams just test your ability to do exams.

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