Sunday 10th August 2008 1:36am [Edited]
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: Finck @ August 9 2008, 10:32 PM BST
Are you drunl?
I don't drinl.
Quote: zooo @ August 9 2008, 10:34 PM BST
I just had a big soft chewy chocolate cookie!
I made it at work. I'm the only baker there that does them properly.
When the others do them they are all crunchy. Boo.
Bring me some pleaseeeeeeeee!
Nice milk chocolate ones, none of them nuts or oats or any of that deviance. I like the Sainsbury's ones bestest, but sometimes they come out crunchy. PPPpplllleeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!