I will wear a black arm band. Give the replacement one chance to impress me, and then if he's not up to scratch, kill either myself or him.
General, General Thread Page 660
Can deities die anyway?
Maybe I regenerate... :/
My ex looked like Christopher Eccleston so much when he cut of his hair, even small children used to shout out "Doctor" at him. Now they shout "Mummy the ugly man hurts my eyes" since I started paying them.
David Chapman was on NMT Buzzcocks.
Go to frame 2:42
Using the anagram thing Aaron posted in another thread, I've found out my name is an anagram of 'Hancock is Lush', 'Can suck Shiloh', and 'Ass Chin Luck Ho'. I'm very bored.
Quote: NickTheDon @ June 30 2008, 12:01 AM BSTUsing the anagram thing Aaron posted in another thread, I've found out my name is an anagram of 'Hancock is Lush', 'Can suck Shiloh', and 'Ass Chin Luck Ho'. I'm very bored.
Mine's an anagram of anagram. Who'd of thought it?
Quote: ian_w @ June 29 2008, 11:53 PM BST
David Chapman was on NMT Buzzcocks.
Go to frame 2:42
Which was I supposed to be?
By the way that Towers of London bloke is a real twat isn't he?
Quote: David Chapman @ June 30 2008, 12:04 AM BSTWhich was I supposed to be?
By the way that Towers of London bloke is a real twat isn't he?
Step forward please number 3!
What's a Towers of London bloke?
Donny Tourette or some such idiot.
I thought you meant number 5.
Lol! No he was stiff, you're not quite there yet.
Donny was a bit of a twat, not much of a brain there. At least he laughed when they took the piss though, but then he probably just didn't understand that they were doing it.
Quote: ian_w @ June 30 2008, 12:20 AM BSTLol! No he was stiff, you're not quite there yet.
Donny was a bit of a twat, not much of a brain there. At least he laughed when they took the piss though, but then he probably just didn't understand that they were doing it.
I think so too. He really he didn't get it. I think he thought he was bein outrageous - wow - smoking!
Simon was v. funny about him.
I can't completely hate Donny Tourette, as a friend of mine looks EXACTLY like him, but he is an absolute toss pot.