Wednesday 11th June 2008 10:24pm
Royal Berkshire
69,985 posts
Quote: Charly @ June 11 2008, 7:15 PM BST
THIS IS SO UNFAIR!!! I accidentally, on Facebook, clicked 2005 as my date of birth when trying to register AND NOW IT JUST SAY'S "You are illegible to sign up for Facebook" and it won't let me. Waaa.
Re-start your web browser.
Quote: zooo @ June 11 2008, 7:09 PM BST
I'm such a mong.
I now have two Takin' Over The Asylums.
I preordered it a month ago from Amazon. And then ordered it again from Play last week.
Nice one, zooo.
You silly billy! Could you eBay the spare?