British Comedy Guide

General, General Thread Page 405

Yes. By the University of Aaron's research labs.

Lots of clones of you in lab coats?

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 29 2008, 9:06 PM BST

Lots of clones of you in lab coats?

Creepiest image of the day. Fact!

They're all growing more of themselves in test tubes.


Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 29 2008, 9:08 PM BST

They're all growing more of themselves in test tubes.

He has plenty of "raw materials"

Quote: Aaron @ May 29 2008, 9:11 PM BST


It's all okay though-you get a Nobel Prize.

Where can I get this film?

Quote: Paul W @ May 29 2008, 9:11 PM BST

He has plenty of "raw materials"


You only have to watch one Question Time to realise this country is heading downhill fast! Geoff Hoon, hahaha

Hoon is a one-man gimpfest.

Question Time is full of f**k wits. It's either got party wankers towing the line, business men who are so far up their own arse they can see their tonsils or celebrities who shouldn't be aloud to speak unless it's requesting their last meal. I love Question Time.

If I use the phrase "wonky northern mentalist", you'll probably be able to work out who was one of the guests when I went to Question Time, a few years ago.

God, Aaron, was that you in the audience?

Yes, yes it was. My chest was made famous on national television.

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