Tuesday 20th May 2008 2:24am
Royal Berkshire
69,968 posts
Quote: Graham Bandage @ May 19 2008, 11:00 PM BST
Those Frenchies and their unnatural diet.
It was probably indirect, via all the horse cock they consume.
Quote: Graham Bandage @ May 19 2008, 11:08 PM BST
I've seen some dodgy libel cases in my time, but I doubt quite strongly Ms Marceau would have a leg to stand on if she suggested I was incorrect in my assertion that her areolae are quite big. I certainly would have quite a strong case for justification.
Bring it on, nudey French girl. I'll see you in court.
Alan wants the court case to go ahead, because then she'd have to unleash the 'beauties' as evidence!