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Quote: Rood Eye @ 1st August 2018, 9:18 PM

As long as we're allowed to have curved bananas, all shall be well!

That's about the level of intellect we're dealing with.

The poor leadership and general ineptness of the government is what is making this country a laughing stock. I think May kept Boris around because he diverted attention but now he's gone and done it in a way that will let him continue to make obscene money for being a twat.

I don't think anybody's laughing at the UK.We've all got our own representatives of mindboggling ineptitude (I mean governments )to contend with.

Quote: Bill Poster @ 1st August 2018, 10:51 PM

I don't think anybody's laughing at the UK.We've all got our own representatives of mindboggling ineptitude (I mean governments )to contend with.

Not many as inept as this. Britain is the King of Inept and I claim my five pounds.

Quote: Briosaid @ 1st August 2018, 8:50 PM

So, all you Brexshiteers, is this shambles what you wanted, so you could throw your sweaty caps in the air and wave your flags for England?

It's the remoaners who are causing the shambles not the pro-exit people.

If the remainers had properly accepted the democratic referendum result and not done everything they could to delay and confuse the exit process, the Negotiations would probably be complete by now.

Note that several recent resolutions have been passed in Parliament recently with a much smaller ratio of Yeahs & Nays compared to the 4.8% difference in the Referendum. Yet these parliamentary votes have been accepted as properly democratic.

Yes I feel sorry for Scotland, though with the trade situation as is (66% with the rest of the UK and only 16% with the EU27) I cannot see at all why Scotland would want a divorce from the UK and remarry the EU. Nor do I see why it would want to emulate a banana republic by keeping on having referenda until it got the desired answer (after which more referenda are disallowed).


Now I've heard it all! So, Remainers who have no power, are preventing Brexit!!! That is just so illogical. The Cabinet is coming up with a lot of tripe which is unacceptable to the EU. Theresa May, to use an old Scottish expression, couldn't run a 'menodge' and both Tory and Labour are so divided over many things that neither is capable of running the country We're up shit creek thanks to Cameron trying to appease members of the Tory party and getting a result he didn't expect. And don't let's even think of the Irish question.

Quote: billwill @ 2nd August 2018, 1:47 PM

It's the remoaners who are causing the shambles not the pro-exit people.

If the remainers had properly accepted the democratic referendum result and not done everything they could to delay and confuse the exit process, the Negotiations would probably be complete by now.

Note that several recent resolutions have been passed in Parliament recently with a much smaller ratio of Yeahs & Nays compared to the 4.8% difference in the Referendum. Yet these parliamentary votes have been accepted as properly democratic.

Yes I feel sorry for Scotland, though with the trade situation as is (66% with the rest of the UK and only 16% with the EU27) I cannot see at all why Scotland would want a divorce from the UK and remarry the EU. Nor do I see why it would want to emulate a banana republic by keeping on having referenda until it got the desired answer (after which more referenda are disallowed).


Well said Bill!

Quote: Briosaid @ 2nd August 2018, 10:27 PM

Now I've heard it all! So, Remainers who have no power, are preventing Brexit!!! That is just so illogical. The Cabinet is coming up with a lot of tripe which is unacceptable to the EU. Theresa May, to use an old Scottish expression, couldn't run a 'menodge' and both Tory and Labour are so divided over many things that neither is capable of running the country We're up shit creek thanks to Cameron trying to appease members of the Tory party and getting a result he didn't expect. And don't let's even think of the Irish question.

Of course. They're trying to sabotage it so it doesn't happen. Is that democracy?

Who cares if it's acceptable to the EU? We gave our 2 years notice so that should be it.

Here's my prediction of how Brexit will go.

a) TM's govt take the 'plan' to the EU
b) the EU won't accept as is
c) TM concedes even more, i.e special visa or no visa for EU27 members travelling to UK, UK agrees to stick to the same tariffs as EU27, ECJ to overrule House-of-Lords justice on all matters of trade and immigration etc
d) TM brings revised plan back to Parliament
e) parliament rejects it but has no sensible alternative
f) TM's government crashes, new general election
g) something of a plan eventually cobbled together & taken to the EU table
h) EU rejects it saying we have wasted enough time on UK foibles
i) 30th March 2019 arrives with no agreed plan
j) UK crashes out of the EU with no plan, hence transition period cancelled
k) Chaos for at least 6 months as lots of needed things were forgotten about (for example they have remembered the International Driving Permit requirement, but there must be other similar things needed).
l) UK finally realises it is really, really out of the EU and finally buckles down to trading with to EU27 on WTO rules, and less EU immigration, e.g. providing many more apprenticeships, canceling benefits if an out-of-work person refuses the kind of work that used to be done by EU migrants, start of OAP age increased by at least 2 years and state pension reduced etc

m) Bitter recriminations all around, Brexit is blamed for everything but the real culprits are those who constantly interfered in the 2 year period (from 2016-2019) wasting time that should have been spent on preparation.

n) UK will be in a near or actual recession for up to 5 years

o) Late 2020's Russia join the EU (and begins eating it from inside).


Bill, you missed out the bit about the resurgence of the IRA.

Here's a genuine question for all you Brexiteers - how has being part of the EU affected you badly?

Via the EU , the Germans effectively run Europe

They couldn't achieve this through two world wars - so they did it this way instead

The first European Commissioner, Walter Hallstein, was a f**king Nazi ! That's a fact

And the Nazis drew up the original plans for a European Union

Yes, but how have you actually suffered ( apart from pride perhaps)?

Me no

Personally I couldn't give a shit either way

I'm just one man - whatever my opinion is , is completely irrelevant- it doesn't effect anything does it

In/out - whatever

Why waste any energy over it?

Anyway there's probably pro's and con's to being in or out

It's all bollocks at the end of the day

I understand what you're saying. I just don't understand the Brexiteers' problem. How have they been badly affected?

Not especially

A lot of them are xenophobic and racist and don't want to be told what to do by foreigners

On the morning of the referendum result , I overheard one person say "thank f**k, now all them jigaboos won't be able to keep coming over here"

I wish I was kidding....

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