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Interesting. I won't comment since it would no doubt cause yet another stooshie.
Patton seems a nice guy.But why do so many people feel the need to tweet.It's bound to attract nutters who enjoy being nasty.
(" King of Queens"repeats on TV here.He's in that and it's very good.)
At last some happy news! Apparently there's going to be a cat cafe opening somewhere in Glasgow in the next few months.
I went (was dragged) with Mrs Will Cam last Octobe to the one in Edinburgh. What a surreal experience. About £7 each I think just to get in then trying to eat the cake you buy there as cats try to mug you especially. This little Catstard (see what I did there).

I never knew cats liked cakes! Very bizarre. I was the only bloke in there who wasn't cooing over the cats. They obviously knew because they wouldn't leave me alone!
A big thrill for all you BCG chicks - those are my actual knees - have that on me
Quote: keewik @ 8th February 2017, 10:46 PMAt last some happy news! Apparently there's going to be a cat cafe opening somewhere in Glasgow in the next few months.
Bloody heathens - can't you eat pigs or sheep or cows?
I would definitely give all my food to the cats.
Quote: zooo @ 8th February 2017, 11:28 PMAwwww!
I would definitely give all my food to the cats.
I thought that they were eating cats. It wouldn't surprise me!
It cost extra to have them deep fried.
Quote: Chappers @ 8th February 2017, 11:31 PMI thought that they were eating cats. It wouldn't surprise me!
No. It's babies we eat. English babies. *Smacks lips *
I was trying to think who Natalie Portman's accent in Jackie reminded me of - then it struck me:
Quote: Will Cam @ 8th February 2017, 11:24 PMI never knew cats liked cakes!
A big thrill for all you BCG chicks - those are my actual knees - have that on me
Mine does, he goes for the crumbs of any cake or biscuits! He also likes yogurt, but not plain...I don't really let him have any though, but he'll have a little teardrop portion bit if I'm having some.
Thanks for the knees Will, that'll keep us going for a while
I'm big Federer fan but this picture is....yuk!

Bollocks! You wish you were that silver trophy you mean, as he slips those white shorts off and waggles his Toblerone in your face.
Dirty Boy!