General, General Thread Page 2,740
94. A few of the James Bonds caught me out, plus the romantic comedies.
I love seeing the contrast though of early 90s and late 90s, some of the later ones do not feel like they were released in the late 90s. It feels so long ago! I think it's because a lot of them were released in 1999 and their popularity continued into the 2000s.
Yes. It feels weird that Pretty Woman and Se7en were in the same decade.
It was mainly the cartoons and James Bond that did me, oh and the Batman ones.
All the cartoons looked like Pochohontas to me, never seen a Batman film and it was the least popular Bond actor.
I definitely got lucky guessing the Batmans a couple of times.
I definitely don't know anything about films so didn't bother trying.
If it was music that would be a different matter - just as long as it's pre the current millennium.
After 2 years of a contract with Orange, I decided to go to giffgaff. Phoned Orange for a PAC code and ended up being offered the same deal as giffgaff but for a penny cheaper. Amazing what they can do when they set their minds to it.
Question for Da Butt - watching an American film and the hero gets into his car and drives off - no safety belt. In UK it's against the law to drive without being buckled up. What's the position in the US?
Quote: keewik @ 30th January 2016, 10:26 PM GMTQuestion for Da Butt - watching an American film and the hero gets into his car and drives off - no safety belt. In UK it's against the law to drive without being buckled up. What's the position in the US?
Until about 30 years ago, it wasn't a violation of the law and most people didn't wear seatbelts until the 90s or so. It all comes down to the individual states, but there's been a gradual move toward enforcement; only one state has no law for adults. In most states cops can pull you over and issue a citation for not wearing a seatbelt, but in about 35% of states it's only a secondary offence, meaning that the officer had to have a separate reason to stop the driver.
Overall, most Americans now wear their seatbelts at all times.
Hal Cruttenden will perform in my hometown Basel next weekend:
Is he worth 40 CHFs?
Whatever a CHF is.
*googles it*
Aw francs. Yay for Switzerland not using silly Euros.

40 francs is not very expensive for an event like this. It's an ok price.
Purple money. <3
Saw this ad with Jeremy Clarkson and thought 'He must be really ancient.' Turns out he's only 55. Looks like 75 with all the lines and wrinkles.
I was just talking to my next door neighbour, who I usually try to avoid every chance I get but today he caught me. I didn't ask anything about him, other than "alright". He proceeded to tell me that he's busy and can afford to take weekends off and pay his mortgage, he tells me this every time, like I'm supposed to be impressed? He's about 50, with grown up kids, I wouldn't have presumed otherwise.
He then changes subject before I even get a chance to also to mention I also have a mortgage?? I dunno... Anyway, he tells me that he likes living on our street, as it's quiet and there's no nosey neighbours, which is fair enough, but this man is the nosiest man I know! He spent the first half of the conversation "updating" me about all the other neighbours and their lives (apparently so n so is doing this, and whatshisface is doing that). He then tells me that he's doing a favour for one of them, he's doing their garden up as a surprise whilst their away - ALTHOUGH HE DOESN'T EXPECT TO BE PAID ("but she will pay me anyway") - his words. Like he's some sort of guerilla gardener!
Okay, he's not a bad bloke and has been a decent neighbour mostly, but what's with this mentality that he needs to prove to me he can pay his mortgage?? I honestly don't care. In fact, the more he goes on about it, the more I doubt his ability to provide for his family.
It was also a 20 minute conversation and all I got in was "oh yeah, really, oh right, that's good, ummhmm, ok, yeah, oh right...".
Anyone know a good fencer to block him off?