Friday 21st January 2011 9:22pm
4,491 posts
OK, I've had an idea for a music based craft item that I'd like your opinion on.
Basically what I've done is melt an old cassette tape and mould it into a 'splat'. By turning the case around it acts as a stand and I think it looks quite interesting. It would certainly be a talking point even if guests said, "Why the hell have you got a melted cassette tape on your shelf?"
It's quite touchy feely as well because of the smooth and curved surface so I don't think it needs to be attached to the case. It could even be used as a paperweight.
Now, the version below is a blank tape and for testing purposes only. If I was to do this with actual bands do you think people would be interested in paying money them? Would 60s and 70s artists be more popular or would be fans of Beastie Boys, AC/DC or Oasis be more likely to buy? Maybe having a ruined Bros or Wham! tape will make it a more fun item to cheer up or annoy friends and relatives. 
Getting cassettes from charity shops for next to nothing shouldn't be too difficult but what would people be prepared to pay? £2? £5? Any more?
Any opinion appreciated on aspect of this - I don't want to waste my time if everyone thinks it's a dumb idea.