It's that old Devil called lush
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If anyone wants a free Graze box from
"If anyone you know fancies trying graze for free, you can give them a free graze box (for a limited time only) and earn discounts on your future boxes.
Just forward on this special promotion code to give all your friends a free graze box and another half price...
free box code: 5R5N21P6 "
You can get your free box and cancel immediately after. That's what I did
Quote: Nat Wicks @ January 15 2011, 6:05 PM GMT(for a limited time only)
It's been going for years
I don't care, I didn't write that. If anyone wants one, there's a code. DOUCHEBAG.
So you're spamming the boards? Right, where's a moderator?

I thought dogs only saw in monochrome.
That reminded me of the Bob Newhart routine 'Defusing a Bomb' . . .
Listen Willard, there's a kind of a little hootymajig thing in there... a wheel of some kind!
Why don't you try turning the wheel, Willard?...
Oh, I don't know... turn it to the left and see what happens...
Yeh!...I can hear it, Willard, it's ticking a lot faster, isn't it?...
Er!... you'd better turn it back, Willard!
Okay! let's see...
Listen, there are two wires here. It says here, 'Under no conditions...
Oh! someone's spilled coffee over this page...
Well, one is a kind of greyish-blue and the other one is a kind of er, bluish-grey...
....Have you missed the point entirely or are you being ironic?
Quote: Nat Wicks @ January 15 2011, 11:42 PM GMT....Have you missed the point entirely or are you being ironic?
Who? Me?
No sorry, it was at Gavin. My computer is running super slowly.
Awwww. Poor doggy!
Quote: Oldrocker @ January 15 2011, 11:44 PM GMTWho? Me?
You are indeed in monochrome. Congrats on denying the existence of a 256 palette.
In my home-brew burglar alarm if you cut ANY wire it sets the alarm off.
Terrorist bomb makers are not likely to care which colour wires they use for particular purposes.
Why is it in a movie bomb, that when they cut the wire to the detonator, the Timer display stops?
Why would a bomb have a timer display in any case?
Quote: Nat Wicks @ January 15 2011, 11:46 PM GMTNo sorry, it was at Gavin. My computer is running super slowly.
Ah . .