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Quote: bigfella @ August 12 2010, 11:21 PM BST

It doesn't matter where you look in the sky.

Yeah but the shower is concentrated in a certain part of the sky.

>_< >_< >_<

Overcast here in North London, can't see a thing.

Quote: Nil Putters @ August 12 2010, 11:13 PM BST

Or Ursa Minor. Geek

*hopes that's right*

This happens to be my field of expertise.
I think the proper astrological term is the big Dipper or Saucepan

:O Patrick Moore!? Here!!?

And if you follow the line from the last two stars in the plough you find the constellation of Orions braces which includes Alpha Centauri, BetelGeuse & the Death Star.

Laughing out loud

I like the Seven Sisters one. Or is it 6? Anyway, that one.


I hope that isn't too big.

Ursa Minor!
Epic fail. Looks nothing like it

Yours truly
Patrick Less

:D :P

Great Pic - nice one


WTF? None of those look anything like their names. What a load of old shit.

Is there a boob constellation?

I think it's a well accepted fact that they look nothing like what they're supposed to.
Among sane people anyway.

Quote: Aaron @ August 12 2010, 11:57 PM BST

WTF? None of those look anything like their names. What a load of old shit.

You got to remember - People were stoopid in them days.

Quote: Aaron @ August 12 2010, 11:57 PM BST

WTF? None of those look anything like their names. What a load of old shit.

Is there a boob constellation?

They're all around the Lynx constellation.
Who knew?

Yeah, it's all bollocks.

But pretty though, without the lines. :D

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