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Quote: DaButt @ September 18 2009, 7:16 PM BST

Because the thugs who commit most of the murders face death on the streets every day. Remove the inner-city thugs, gang members and those involved in the drug trade and our homicide rate is unremarkable. There's a strong racial component to our homicide rate, but it is a very sensitive issue and it's rarely discussed.

What do you consider the chances are that it'll become less of a touchy issue now that the Prez is black?

Quote: DaButt @ September 18 2009, 7:16 PM BST

Because the thugs who commit most of the murders face death on the streets every day. Remove the inner-city thugs, gang members and those involved in the drug trade and our homicide rate is unremarkable. There's a strong racial component to our homicide rate, but it is a very sensitive issue and it's rarely discussed.

I dunno, those people are probably those suffer most from the causes I outlined?

I've read alot about the high number of pyschopathic and sociopathic tendancies in western societies (the US leading the way usually) and I'm pretty convinced this is to blame. And no deterrents will work on people like that. Better that we make sure people aren't raised to become like that.

We did a walk around London today! You need to get the book we had, Aaron. It was really fun and interesting. :$

Well it might help if you told me the name of the book then... :P

I'm just trying to get hold of Benn to ask him, actually. :P

Alright, alright! :P

Alan C just posted in Peep Show thread... oooh

Don't say hello or he might think you're trying to take over.


Weren't you around for the Leonard Rossiter thread a month or so back, Tim?

*goes a-searching*

EDIT: Oh, yeah, cool etc... :)

To save you the hassle: he popped up after almost a year without posting, and he took offence to me saying hello. And apparently I post too much on a website I run, and shouldn't post my opinion because other people don't post theirs as much. God knows how that's meant to work...


It is annoying when you miss your bus. Unimpressed


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