British Comedy Guide

General, General Thread Page 1,918

Just me, you and Scatter by the looks of things. What have we done to deserve slow internet???

I could be the super computer I bought from Superman 3. I think it's watch iPlayer.

Seems ok atm though.

Quote: Nil Putters @ June 24 2009, 4:18 PM BST

Oh good (well not really), I thought it was just me.

It's always you Nil. Always Huh?

Laughing out loud

My computer's just being a bitch lately. :(

It's not my computer as I had no trouble visiting other sites. :O I've said too much.

Problem after problem. :(



This is always the quiet time on BCG - everyone must have lives or something.

Nil's turned into Andy Warhol now I see.

Hello! Pleased


Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ June 24 2009, 6:49 PM BST

Hello! Pleased

Hello! Someone else without a live, what a relief!

And now Gavin!

And me!


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