mmmmm I could go for a kit kat
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Quote: EllieJP @ February 25 2009, 8:53 PM GMTFingers! I like how sexy they look to eat!

Quote: EllieJP @ February 25 2009, 8:53 PM GMTFingers! I like how sexy they look to eat!
Do you pretend to suck them off or something?
chick munching on chocolate wafer biscuits never really did it for me, maybe I missed the boat.
Kitkat chunky with Peanut butter. *Whimper*
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ February 25 2009, 9:10 PM GMTKitkat chunky with Peanut butter. *Whimper*
Mmm well it's more peanut butter then chocolate so your ok with them I think.
I haven't seen Dr Mato for the last few days. Is she still around?
First thing I was told when I came back into the house - "Trimble and Corpus Christi may well lose their title! One of their participants wasn't actually attending the college when the final took place!"
I know!
Why has Rihanna got back with that arsehole Chris Brown?
Rihanna split and then was on the rebound. Sadly the split was on her nose and the rebound was off the steering wheel boss of a Lamborghini.
The Sun claim they've 'resolved their differences'. Their differences being Chris Brown likes to punch women, but Rihanna doesn't like to be punched.
Apparently Rihanna is a big fan of spicy Thai food. So when she gave her bloke the elbow, he wasn't the first violent brown she'd dumped.
Maybe she has promised never to sing Umbrella ever again.
Quote: Seefacts @ March 2 2009, 12:00 AM GMTbut Rihanna doesn't like to be punched.
She evidently bloody loves it.
He is scum, but she is a moron.
But then, we knew that already.