Friday 30th January 2009 7:50pm [Edited]
4,491 posts
I'm really pissed off.
I saw a job today advertsied on a board outside a job agency. I have a job at the moment but this one looked quite interesting from the information shown. Fact is is that would actually pay less than I'm on but I reckoned I negotiate upwards based on my skills.
Now, it was a marketing manager position and I don't have much experience in management but I have effectively run departments on my own for a decade and had to delegate certain tasks to colleagues as and when. I have been a manager in all but name over the years.
So I go inside to see if I collect some info to read up on. I should point out that I wasn't wearing a suit - I was in black jeans and T-Shirt and I hadn't shaved this morning. OK, so it perhaps wasn't the most professional of images but we're all entitled to days off.
This young slip of a girl asked about my experience which is now up to 20 years and includes design, marketing, PR, copywriting, advertising, event management, websites, video production and media training. The newsletter I write, sub-edit and design is distributed to 45 countries worldwide and I also help organise national and international conferences for up to 200 delegates and yet it wasn't enough.
I was actually quite rude when I was told this which probably means I'm not the right candidate but I'm pretty sure I was judged on age and appearance on the day.
I may not have had the job title of manager before but I think I have enough about me to at least be considered.
Cor! I'm cross!