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Quote: chipolata @ January 7 2009, 11:24 AM GMT

At the end of last year when Gordon Brown was saving the world, he cut VAT. After he'd cut it, shops like HMV would discount stuff at the counter, taking into account the new, lower rate. Now they - and everybody else - doesn't seem to bother. Am I missing something?

I think you'll find that they've now had time to re-price their stock, so the price you see IS the lower rate.

Quote: Aaron @ January 7 2009, 3:43 PM GMT

I think you'll find that they've now had time to re-price their stock, so the price you see IS the lower rate.

Before Christmas I stood behind somebody buying the Die Hard quadrology for £15 - they reduced it at the till to take in the lower VAT rate. Thhis week I stood behind someone buying the Die Hard quadrology for £15 in the same shop - they didn't knock anything off this time... I think shops just aren't bothering. Too much hassle.

No, they've just upped the pre-VAT price.

What are you, Shop Protector?

Just the voice of reason. It's not that they're not bothering. It's that they've either now re-stickered the products, or upped the pre-VAT rate. Simple as that.

It is freeeezing. We were all inside the school in coats and jumpers.

Does anyone know a pub in London that allows dogs?

You going on a date with Ellie?

Quote: don rushmore @ January 7 2009, 4:27 PM GMT

Does anyone know a pub in London that allows dogs?

Is Stringfellows a pub?

Quote: Leevil @ January 7 2009, 4:28 PM GMT

You going on a date with Ellie?

Awwww poor Ells

I was talking about her puppies.

Oh. Laughing out loud

Laughing out loud

Awww, Nil, what a terrible, terrible mistake :P

Anyway, I thought all pubs allowed dogs? Or maybe that's just guide dogs? I'm defo not the pub expert.

Quote: Moonstone @ January 7 2009, 4:36 PM GMT

Awww, Nil, what a terrible, terrible mistake :P


Laughing out loud

No, Ellie knows how much you love her and respect her sex organs.

But Julia doesn't.

Didn't (oops)

This made me smile.

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