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Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ January 3 2009, 12:13 PM GMT

I am going to HAVE to brave going to the supermarket and coughing on people. Waiting for the evening.

I'm in that very situation. I haven't left the house in 4 days and the cupboards are almost bare.

At least on a saturday, all the fresh stuff will be reduced.

Am off, anyone want anything?

Custard creams.

I am confused. I am sorry this kid has died, but who has ever heard of John Travolta's son before, and why are we meant to care? It's second f**king headline on the news, even before that plane crash. Flipping ridiculous.

Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ January 3 2009, 4:30 PM GMT

At least on a saturday, all the fresh stuff will be reduced.

Am off, anyone want anything?

A nice big turnip please, preferably with the image of Jesus' face on one side and Matthew Kelly on the other.

Quote: Aaron @ January 3 2009, 4:38 PM GMT

Custard creams.

I am confused. I am sorry this kid has died, but who has ever heard of John Travolta's son before, and why are we meant to care? It's second f**king headline on the news, even before that plane crash. Flipping ridiculous.

I haven't heard about this, but it seems kinda ironic seeing as Travolta is a pilot himself.

It's a total non-story. Kid we've never heard of is in bathroom alone, has seizure, and smashes head on sink as he collapses. Big wow. That kind of thing happens every day.

Quote: Aaron @ January 3 2009, 4:46 PM GMT

It's a total non-story. Kid we've never heard of is in bathroom alone, has seizure, and smashes head on sink as he collapses. Big wow. That kind of thing happens every day.

But it happened to John Travolta, most famous movie star at some point in his career. Surely this will effect any future roles he plays and actions he takes. If this would've happened before Saturday Night Fever, there would have probably never have not been a SNF, a subsequently no influence on a whole generation. Changing this generation, changing the world.

From an arts and cultural perspective it's a very big thing indeed, a tragedy on an actors life. He may not be the best actor, by a long shot. But in the world of entertainment, which the news is included, it is a very big event. Or something to fill a slow news day.


Quote: Leevil @ January 3 2009, 4:42 PM GMT

I haven't heard about this, but it seems kinda ironic seeing as Travolta is a pilot himself.

The deceased son was named Jett.

The biggest part of the story is that the son was believed to be autistic and the Travoltas followed Scientology beliefs and wouldn't have him treated by conventional medicine. They basically hid him and his condition from the world.

Now that would make it a worthy piece of news.

But those who have seen Jett in public, most recently in Paris two months ago, speculate the boy was autistic.

Some contend that Travolta - who never talked publicly about Jett - refuses to acknowledge the condition because of his belief in Scientology, which frowns upon mental illness and rejects psychology and psychiatry.

"There was unspoken communication between the two . . . It's just so hard," family friend Michael McDermott said. "Kelly is very quiet and both are grieving."

Preston went on the "Montel Williams Show" in 2002 to talk about Kawasaki disease, which she said Jett developed as a result of inhaling household chemicals.

The disease tends to afflict young children, predominantly in Asia. Jett was put on a special detox program as prescribed by Scientology, Preston said.

"He ended up getting better," she said, but noted the boy still "has lots of allergies." In 2007, one of Travolta's Florida neighbors, whose son is autistic, said he was shocked that the movie star could let his beliefs stand in the way of helping the boy.

"They see it as a weakness. That's what the space aliens are telling him, I guess," Tim Kenny told after approaching Travolta as "one autistic father to another."

"Scientology is keeping him from acknowledging his son's autism. They see it as a weakness," he said.

Kenny also complained that unlike other celebrity fathers of autistic children, such as Sylvester Stallone, Travolta has done nothing to help.

In the world according to L. Ron Hubbard, as Tom Cruise has pointed out to much criticism, Western medicine and antidepressants are frowned upon. Instead, a cure of hard work is preferred. The existence of autism is not acknowledged.

Travolta has reportedly bragged about Jett's passion for reading and sports, but it was clear to observers that he barely was able to do either.

When the family was criticized for neglecting Jett's condition, attorney Marty Singer called the charge "false and defamatory."

As a teacher you come across all sorts of madcap religions. Islam, Christianity, Judaism. The usual mumbo jumbo. But the worst is them there Jehovah Witnessesssss. I had a a parent who was one and her son got taken into hospital with appendicitis. However she did relinquish her beliefs to save the boy.

On a different note she also failed to turn up to my class assembly which she had promised her son she would attend. Failure to show meant said son was distraught and couldn't perform. Guess who had to take his part? I must say I did have rave reviews in all the papers though. They said I was a natural King Herod. Oh the fame Cool .

Question for any lurking grammar fiends, is it "1920's America" or "1920s America?" I'm not sure if the 1920s is possessive or not...

Never thought about that before, intrigued.

Okay then. Thank you Griff. *salutes*

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